What is a Top Influencer Campaign, and how does it work?
In a Top Influencer Campaign, referrers compete against each other. All referrers compete for the top spots and against time. When the campaign deadline is up, only the leading referrers are compensated. EarlyParrot monitors & tracks all referrers and their referrals, and once the campaign’s deadline is up; top referrers are automatically sent out the associated reward. This is done after all Fraud Checks have passed.
How to create a Top Influencer Campaign – Step by step
Choose Top Influencer in the Reward System screen as shown below.

Choosing a Top Influencer as a reward system will lead you to the following Rewards screen, where you will be asked to enter the list of rewards to be given out in ascending order starting from the top referrer going down. Along with the list of rewards, you must also set up a deadline when the rewards are to be sent out. EarlyParrot will take care of monitoring the campaign and sending out rewards to top referrers when the time is up.

If you are creating a Sales Referral Program, you might want to send out rewards only if a referred leads converts and becomes a customer. In that case, you might want to switch the Reward Stage to theĀ Customer Stage.

Rewards ideas for the Top Influencer campaign must be exclusive and something worth the effort to share and participate in a contest. Remember, referrers might end up getting nothing after all. Some ideas are Gift Vouchers, VIP treatment, Gadgets or exclusive invites to events.