Social media is an incredible way to connect with people across the globe and leverage smaller influencer experts. Yours truly has made it a career by creating engaging content that appeals to different audiences and marketing strategies that promote your business through social channels.
However, using experts to boost your online presence can sometimes get expensive! There are some ways to leverage smaller influencer experts to help market your product or service.
You may have heard of this concept before, but there are several types of influence you probably never considered. By being aware of these, you will be able to take full advantage of the power social media holds for your business.
Here are all five of those tips for how to use small influencer experts in our article! Read on to learn more.
Connect with them

A significant part of leveraging smaller influencer experts is connecting with them. This can be through their social media accounts, website profiles, or just personal connections.
If you are reading this article, there’s a good chance that you already use some of these strategies. For example, by adding Instagram followers or Facebook likes, you have connected with an influencer.
By interacting with others, it creates an opportunity for your business to get exposure. People who interact with other users may mention you in their posts or talk about you while responding to comments or questions you leave for them.
This is referred to as content marketing – creating and sharing information or products that appeal to someone else to get exposure for yourself. And since they’ve mentioned you, they might influence people to visit your site or buy from you!
Interacting is also a way to build trust. By being friendly, open, and responsive, you establish credibility as well. Your online presence will tell people something about what you like and don’t like, how you run your life, and whether you would take action on things if you didn’t know me.
It’s all about telling the truth consistently and clearly.
Tell them who you would like to work with

Even if you don’t have money to spend, you can still find ways to leverage smaller influencer experts by telling them who you want to work with and asking if they know of anyone that could help your business.
Influencer marketing is becoming more popular as people are letting others promote products or services. It isn’t always the case however that everyone knows how to use social media effectively to grow their influence.
Some people may not feel confident in their ability to market online so they avoid doing it. This is fine!
It is not your responsibility to teach every person who doesn’t feel comfortable using social media how to market themselves. You should only ask about potential partners when you truly believe they will positively impact your business and help you achieve your goals.
If there are no signs that someone can help you, then let go of this idea. Find other ways to bring in new customers and start working with different individuals instead.
Ask for their help

A small change that can make a big difference is asking your fellow influencer how you can better serve them or what services/products they could use to promote themselves.
Many small influencer experts will happily share their knowledge and tricks with you if you ask properly. This is especially true if you are looking to find more exposure for your own business or product.
Your colleague may even be willing to work together on sponsored content or products related to theirs. By adding these additional touches, you’re helping them fulfill their goal of marketing their product or service!
By offering to do some of this work for them, you’ve got yourself an ally in the game. Influence isn’t free, it costs something – it’s just not always obvious what those resources are.
By being aware of this, you can start creating win-win situations where both you and someone else get what you want out of the relationship.
Offer to help them

A lot of people have successful careers in the fashion industry due to their social media presence. If you are looking to launch your fashion line, then it is important to know how to connect with the influencers in the field.
It may sound cliché, but being authentic is the most effective way to gain followers. Starting your business should be inspired by who you want to reach out to and what you want to achieve.
Your personal style, lifestyle, and career can all play an integral part in how popular your new clothing collection becomes. Who better to learn this than the experienced professionals in the field?
By offering your expertise or consulting for a free or reduced price, you will attract attention and grow your follower base. Plus, you’ll get the exposure that could lead to more sales later on.
Influencer marketing is a cost-effective way to spread your brand message and increase traffic to your site. Even if your budget is very limited, there are ways to tap into the power of influential users to promote your product.
Ask for reviews from smaller influencer experts
By asking your potential influencer to review your product or do an in-depth analysis of a topic, you’re giving them both publicity and exposure. Not only that but they’ll get paid for their efforts!
By adding “And just so you know, my website/blog has a lot of links to your site, so if you want more traffic, business, etc., I’d be happy to link to you.” you’ve made it clear that you’re looking for something beyond just praise.
This is a great way to add depth to your marketing strategy as well — by offering valuable content to others, you gain credibility and additional followers.
It’s like paying your neighbor back for dropping off his trash can at your house every week.
Offer a paid review

Paid reviews are a great way to boost your online presence in many different ways. By offering a paid review, you can gain new followers or customers for your business or product.
By writing an honest review of products or services you use, you create a valuable asset for that company. Because you get paid for it, your words will be more careful and rigorous than if you were not being compensated.
This is important because even though you are getting paid to talk about something, you still need to ensure that you do not cheat the system by promoting only products or services that benefit you or your family. Your job as a reviewer is to honestly assess the product and give good information!
It’s also worth mentioning that most companies offer special incentives to write a positive review. Many times these are discount coupons or free items but it all depends on what they are willing to provide.
Ask for endorsements from smaller influencer experts

One of the stealthier ways to leverage small influencer experts is to ask them if you can mention their brand or product in your content!
This is typically done through what’s called an endorsement, where the influencer mentions the products or services mentioned by someone they work with or know.
By asking this of your smaller influence partners, you may be able to get some great content and valuable exposure for your business or website!
It’s not a free advertisement, but it does create opportunities for your business that wouldn’t otherwise exist.
Become a follower of smaller influencer experts

A large part of leveraging smaller influencer experts is being a loyal follower. You can’t expect them to engage in conversations with you if you don’t interact with their content or comments, so make sure to check out their material and leave a comment or like where appropriate.
By adding value to the conversation, you’ll gain access to greater numbers of people, and thus more opportunities to promote your product or service.
Influencer marketing isn’t necessarily about getting rich quick, but it will help you generate some extra income unless, of course, you choose to not participate at all.
It’s also worth mentioning that most experts will enjoy having additional sales coming from their accounts, even if they are very small — one or two orders per month usually suffice.
Secret number three – find your influence tribe
Most people have a group of friends, family members and colleagues who inspire them and push them to improve. For many, this inner circle grows slowly, but it’s important to develop these relationships and invest time into understanding how each person works.
This way you’re not only creating supportive environments for others, but also learning things you can apply to yourself.
As we’ve discussed before, investing in education is an excellent way to level up as a leader, and mastering something new is an excellent way to boost your self-confidence.