A lot of business owners make the mistake of thinking that once they spend money on advertising, their word-of-mouth marketing efforts campaign is over.
They feel like they’ve “funded the boat” and now they have to wait and see if people talk about their product or service.
This isn’t true at all!
You will always have opportunities to promote your business through conversations, announcements, and statements you make. You will never truly be done talking about your company.
And even though it may seem like a waste of time, every minute you invest in promoting your business is an investment in your long-term success.
Think about how much time most of us spend talking about ourselves and our experiences. We tell our stories nonstop to anyone who will listen.
So why not use this opportunity to let others know about what you have to offer?
By investing in conversation promotion strategies for your business, you will give yourself more chances to spread your message and expose your products and services to new audiences.
Calculate your website click-to-purchase rate to measure the success of your marketing efforts

The next way to measure the effectiveness of your word-of-mouth marketing strategies is by calculating your website conversion rate. This metric looks at how many times your site prompted someone to purchase or give you feedback about a product or service.
By adding up all of these conversions, we can determine the total amount of revenue generated from people who visited your site but didn’t make a buying decision.
A lot of marketers skip this step because it seems like a tedious process that takes too long. But you don’t have to worry about being quick enough with your money if you are spending time educating others about your products and services!
Instead of focusing only on whether they bought something, use these metrics to see how much influence you had as a marketer.
Determine your website conversion rate

It’s very hard to measure the success of your word-of-mouth marketing efforts unless you know how many people visit your site compared to how many try to buy something.
A way to do this is using what’s known as a conversion ratio. This is defined as the percentage of time users spend looking at, interacting with, or reading an item from a given page or group of pages.
By calculating this conversion ratio for different areas of your site, you can determine which ones are most effective in helping get customers.
You can then use this data to make sure that these areas are more focused on getting conversions. For example, if you find that the About Us page doesn’t seem to be working well, maybe it’s time to rethink what info is included there!
Another area you could look into improving is by offering additional products after the sale has been made. Many companies will add extra items or even new versions of existing products as a way to boost sales.
Compute your conversion rate based on the following metrics

Conversion ratio – also referred to as profitability or effectiveness ratio, this is calculated by dividing how many actions you wanted to take (conversations) by how many you took (actions). For example, if you want to increase sales then talking about products is an action so that number goes in the numerator and the numbers you get back are dependent on which product you use to talk about.
The conversion ratio can be adjusted depending on what type of business you’re trying to reach and what kind of conversions you want to have. It all depends on what you’re trying to achieve with your word-of-mouth marketing.
With this ratio, you can determine not only whether your current strategies are working but also what changes need to be made to make them more effective.
Measure your brand awareness to determine the success of your marketing efforts

One of the most important ways to measure the success of your word-of-mouth marketing efforts is by measuring how well-known or recognized you are as a business!
It’s impossible to tell whether or not your current strategies are working if you don’t know what tactics worked in the past. By testing out different types of media, tracking response rates, and gathering general feedback, you can determine whether or not your current strategies work.
By analyzing this data, you will be able to make an informed decision on which word-of-mouth strategies work for your company and lead to more successful results.
Google My Business
A great way to track the effectiveness of your business is by using Google My Business. This tool allows you to create a free account and get all sorts of valuable information about your business!
You can add photos, and descriptions, and even check off services that you offer (for example, if you have a restaurant, you can include “food”). Then, you can use the tools provided to see all of the reviews your business has received, as well as where people found your business online.
This gives you a good gauge of both positive and negative responses to your business.
Calculate your customer’s lifetime value

The next step in measuring the effectiveness of your word-of-mouth marketing strategies is calculating the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) for each participant in these campaigns.
The CLV is an important metric used to determine the profitability of individual customers. It looks at how much money a business would need to spend per person to earn as much revenue from them as they have cost the company already!
By adding up all of the costs related to each customer, you can calculate what it will take to get back that profit. These costs include things like marketing materials, advertisements, staff time, etc.
Determine your customer’s lifetime value

The next step in determining how successful your marketing campaigns are is figuring out what part of your business’s life cycle they helped sustain or grow. This is an important factor because it shifts the focus away from whether or not you spent money on a campaign to instead looking at how much profit you made due to the campaign.
The most common way to do this is by calculating your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). CLVs take into account both indirect and direct costs, as well as return on investment (ROI) calculations. Indirectly, this includes things like the cost of advertising, staff time used for the campaign, etc. Directly, this includes the price of products and services bought after exposure to the advertisement/campaign.
With these numbers, you can calculate the average profit per person who engaged with your company via word-of-mouth advertisements or other channels. This averages out all those individual costs and rewards to determine the campaign’s overall success. It also gives you an idea of how valuable each audience member was to your business.
Importantly, this number will fluctuate depending on when you conducted your research. If you wait until just before someone quits or is disappointed to measure the effect of their interactions, then your results may be skewed. Try to track down CRM data such as phone calls, emails, and chat conversations to get more reliable information.
Compare your customer lifetime value to your customers’ spending habits

It is very important to know how to measure the success of your word-of-mouth marketing efforts. More advanced ways to do this include using analytics software to track it, but there are some simple ways you can quantify your business’s impact.
The first way is by comparing your customer lifetime value (CLV) with their average spend for each person. The CLV equals the total amount spent by all people who have ever purchased from you, divided by the number of months since those purchases were made.
This ratio gives you an idea of not only how much money most of your current customers have invested in your company, but also what kind of customers they are. People who buy less frequently will influence others to make similar purchases more often because of their loyalty.
On the other hand, individuals who purchase more frequently than the average will create a sense of fear in potential clients.
Estimate your customer’s lifetime value to measure the success of your marketing efforts

The second way to measure the effectiveness of your word-of-mouth marketing efforts is to estimate the customer’s Lifetime Value (LTV). An LTV is what it costs you to acquire a new business client, divided by how long they spend with you, on average.
The longer your clients stay, the higher their cost-per-acquisition (CPA) drops, which means you make more money per sale! By determining how much revenue you generate from each client, you can calculate how expensive each client is for you. This gives you your overall LTV.
By doing this consistently, you will know whether or not your company is investing in effective strategies that keep spending down.
There are many ways to determine an individual’s LTV. Some methods include: estimating monthly sales volume, calculating the average transaction size, and applying discount rates depending on if the person would be buying again from you or not.