Finding sponsors for your virtual event is a fun way to inspire your event. While not every business can afford to sponsor an event, most are willing to contribute towards keeping it running!
Businesses want to promote their products and services through virtual events like yours. They pay to be included so that they get exposure and people attend the event to learn more about theirs.
Virtual events have become very popular in recent years as people stay home due to the coronavirus (or COVID-19). Many organizations offer virtual meetings and seminars to keep individuals connected while staying at home. Some even offer free tools or software to facilitate the meeting!
This article will talk you through some ways to find online seminar and workshop providers and easy ways to ask them if they would be interested in sponsoring your event!
Held via webcam and internet connection, these events do not require any facilities such as a conference room nor professional equipment needed to host one. This makes it much easier to hold – and invite people from all over to join!
Sponsoring a virtual event does not necessarily mean paying money to feature their product or service, but instead sharing information about it or promoting it during the event. Sometimes companies agree to place their logo or link up to the website or application for a certain amount of time or with a sponsored tweet attached.
Many times, hosting an event means being compensated for another activity done at the same time.
Tell all of your friends about your event

Along with telling your family members, tell everyone you know what kind of event you are hosting and whether it is virtual or not! If you have an online platform such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, use that to spread the word about your event!
By having more people aware of your event, there may be additional sponsors or attendees you meet who can help promote your event. By offering them something in return, they will want to contribute to ensure your success of the event!
It’s totally fine to ask for their support, but make sure you do so gracefully.
Use Facebook ads to find sponsors for your virtual event

A lot of people start out using social media as a way to connect with others, but have forgotten that you can use it to gain more business opportunities as well.
By adding an event or sponsorship posting to your news feed, you’ll be able to tap into another medium for potential income.
You could also create a special group on Facebook for supporters to join, or launch a competition or sale in conjunction with your event!
Virtual events are a cost-effective way to gather interest and money, so don’t hesitate to look into this option.
Use Instagram ads to find sponsors for your virtual event

A lot of event organizers these days are doing away with traditional events like buying tickets or having a meeting place. They have an online platform they use to connect with people, and then they use that to offer sponsored content or advertisements.
This is called influencer marketing. Influencers are individuals who have a large audience, so their followers will purchase products from the brands they promote.
Virtual events are perfect opportunities to do this! You can pick any genre or niche of video to advertise in, and recruit some cool YouTube influencers to help you spread the word about your event.
By offering free entry into the event as a prize, attendees can watch the videos and be drawn in by the advertisement. Then they can come to your event and enjoy it without paying anything!
You may also be able to get more donations or revenue through advertising sales during the event.
Email sponsors

Another way to find event sponsorship is by contacting individual companies or individuals that would like to promote your event. You can do this via email!
By introducing yourself, you’ll be making a good impression which may win you some potential partners.
You can also add them as a friend on social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIn, but starting with an email is better since it uses their own service and tone.
Your email should make them feel special because you took time to talk to them and ask if they are willing to help out with your event.
Tell your family about the event
While it may feel awkward at first, sharing your event with people will help you find sponsors. When telling people about the event, make sure to include all of the necessary information such as when and where, what the event is, and who is hosting it.
Some things that can be sponsored are food or drinks, so if you have those prepared, you can advertise them by posting an advertisement or linking to their website. Tickets are always a good way to promote an event because they are usually given for a certain amount, so someone else already has paid for part of the event!
Eventbrite is a great tool to use in promoting your event. You can easily add and remove individuals or companies from your list, and you can track how many views your event gets per person. This helps determine whether or not this audience is willing to contribute to the event.
Tell your friends
As we mentioned before, the first way to find sponsors is by telling your friends! Get out of that bed early morning or late night schedule and update your social media sites to let people know about your event.
Post pictures of what you are offering and ask if anyone would be willing to join you in supporting it. If someone else can help with the sponsorship, they’re likely to agree so don’t shy away from asking!
Running an event isn’t cheap, even when you have the money to pay for all of it yourself. By reaching out to others, you may get some hard-earned cash donated or at least some valuable connections.
By being pro-active and doing these things, you will definitely reap the benefits of having an event.
Use Twitter to tell your followers about the event

To find more potential sponsors, you can use social media to promote your event! Companies watch what others like yours are doing so by sharing information about your event through their accounts, they may be willing to help spread your message and contribute to your event’s funding.
By promoting your event on different types of sites with diverse audiences, you can increase its exposure, potentially landing more money.
Some of the most common ways to do this include posting on Facebook, tweeting, and blogging.
Create a website to find sponsors for your virtual event

Along with having your event announcement online, you will want to create an easy way for people to join you as a speaker or attendee. This can be done through a website where attendees and speakers can register!
Many free websites offer you the chance to create an account and start hosting meetings and discussions immediately. Many of these sites also provide you with a pre-made domain name and web space to use it.
By creating this site yourself, you get to choose the domain name and theme you would like to go with. It is very versatile due to the ability to add content and functions yourself.
This does cost some money upfront, but most providers give you lots of leeway in their pricing plans before they make you pay fully up front.