Having an event online means you will need to know how to get traffic to your online event. You can use different tactics, but none matter more than another than social media.
Here are some tips on how to get the most out of this article by looking at the effects of each one.
You will learn:
How to use Facebook to drive traffic to your online event.
how to use Twitter to promote your online virtual event
how to use Instagram to promote your event
how to use YouTube to drive traffic to your online event
how to use Pinterest to promote your event
how to use Reddit to promote your event and generate buzz
how to use blogs to promote your event and increase engagement
This article will give you ways to boost your event’s exposure using social media!
Start preparing early!
The better prepared you are the easier it will be to connect with others and start sharing experiences and knowledge.
Tell everyone about it

After you confirm your event, the next step is telling people about it. You can do this via social media, word of mouth, or through direct messages on Facebook and Twitter.
People will share information they know, so by letting others know about your event, that info gets spread even more quickly!
Using these strategies, you’ll be sure to get traffic to your online event. But remember, just because you posted about an event doesn’t mean someone else has heard about it – sharing online only goes as far as the internet reaches.
That means if no one knows about your event outside of your community, circle, or area then there’s little hope of getting traffic.
Create a website to drive traffic to your online event

Starting from the very beginning, you will need to pick your event’s niche and area of specialization. This will determine what kind of content you should create and where you can promote it.
You can choose whether to start with an about us page or a product listing. Both are good starting points to build upon.
From there, you can begin creating informative posts and promoting them through social media, blogs, and other sites. You can also do some quick editing and revamping on your site to make it look more professional, doing all these helps drive traffic to your online event.
General tips: Use quality photos and update your pictures frequently! Make sure to include the in-and-out process for your products so people know what they are buying.
Running a successful online event depends mostly on how well you market yourself and your products. Being aware and conscious of this is the first step toward success.
Buy advertising if you want to drive traffic to your online event

Buying online ads is one of the most common ways to get more traffic to your online event or business. Many sites offer free or paid advertisements, depending on what type of content you want to reach your audience.
Some examples of this are Facebook Ads, Google Advertisements, and YouTube-sponsored videos. Using these tools, you can target specific audiences, which can then be converted into new visitors or followers for your event’s social media pages!
There are two main reasons why investing in advertising is important to grow your traffic to your online event. First, it costs nothing but money, so there is no risk in trying it out. Second, it works!
By using advertising strategies, you will find that your event’s fan base grows rapidly due to all the engagement and comments generated.
Use paid ads

Paid advertising is one of the most effective ways to get more traffic to your online event or website. There are many different types of paid advertisements, such as creating an Instagram account and paying per post, posting on Facebook groups and pages, and doing sponsored tweets or blogs.
The best way to use sponsored content is by writing an article that you would normally write for free and then looking into sponsors for it. This way you will get paid for writing the article while also getting exposure!
Running an online event? You can create a ticket seller site and promote it via social media, forums, and other events where people are already gathered.
Getting new followers through promoting an event is another good way to gain attention. People who follow others may be interested in what you have to offer, so invite them to join you for an event or webinar.
Encourage people to subscribe to your email list

Many online event companies rely heavily on their subscribers to spread the word about events they are hosting or announcing. By having an active subscriber base, you give these businesses someone to promote their event!
Promoting their event through your email newsletter, it gives them exposure while also providing you with more income. If you host an event every month, you have the opportunity to make money continually from this site.
Most sites will allow you to refer some of your followers to get extra points or rewards. For example, You could tell half of your followers that the other half can free buy merchandise if they invite both of you to attend their event.
This is a very effective way to generate traffic to your online event as most people know at least one person who would want to go to an event.
Ask your friends to invite their friends to promote traffic to your online event.

Now that you have done some of the hard work by creating an event, getting people to attend is the next step!
The first thing you should do is ask your friends to spread the word about your event. You can send them a direct message on Facebook or tweet them directly. Some might even let you know about it through messages and invitations they already have.
Asking your close friends to invite their friends will help create buzz around your event and get more traffic to your online event.
People who are invited from outside your group may not feel comfortable going at first, but hopefully, someone they know will convince them to come.
Use social media

This is one of the most important things you can do to get more traffic to your online event. You should be using at least some form of social media to promote it.
That’s not to say you have to use all of them, but making an effort to be active on at least some form of social media is worth its weight in gold when it comes to online events!
By having a presence on these sites, people will either find out about your event through their search or direct feeds from members, or they’ll learn of it indirectly by reading comments or messages posted by someone else who knows about it.
And even if they don’t know anything about your event, a link to a site with content written about the same topic as yours may win them over!
Infographics are another good way to gain exposure since they usually contain lots of links and pictures that people can click on. If possible, create one related to your event so that users can add your event to their list of favorites or share it with their friends.
Promote on forums and groups

One of the easiest ways to get more traffic to your online event is by promoting it on other sites. You can do this via free services or through paid ones, but either way, it’s great advertising for your event!
Free online forums and groups are the perfect places to advertise your event. By creating a topic about your event, you can attract some interesting conversations and comments. If there isn’t one yet, you can create one yourself and include a link to your event site in its content, this helps generate more traffic to your online event.
That way, people will be able to go back and read them later, helping to spread awareness of your event as well. Some examples of such sites are Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube.