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Referral Marketing – The Ultimate Guide for 2022

Referral marketing is an inexpensive and effective way to grow your business. It’s free, easy to learn, and can be done by you and your company.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about referral marketing including how it works, why it’s important for your business growth, things to consider before starting a referral program, and more!

What is referral marketing and how does it work?

Referral marketing is the practice of encouraging customers to make referrals. It’s a referral program where you provide incentives for your existing customer base to refer new buyers or leads. There are three types: Word-of-mouth, incentivized and advocate referral schemes.

referral program set-up

You may be wondering how it can help grow your business? Well according to statistics from MarketingSherpa, 84% of people trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of advertising like TV ads, social media posts, billboards or email blasts!

And it makes sense since everyone wants what their friend has – they have more faith in that product because someone they know personally recommends it to them instead of some random ad online. Referral marketing taps into this powerful referral program and encourages existing customers to refer more people.

What should you consider before starting referral marketing for your business?

referral program conditions

There are several things that you should consider when thinking about this powerful strategy, including product, budget, goals & objectives, and more!

#1 Product

What is the core of your referral campaign? Ensure that the product or service you provide is worth recommending. Make sure you deliver what you promise as a bare minimum. Products or services that deliver value receive a lot of positive reviews and ample referrals.

#2 Budget is your main referral program asset

Keep in mind how much money will go into this project since it may require incentives for participants as discounts on future purchases or other referral incentives.

The referral program should also have a budget for tools like referral software and referral marketing agency.

Do you need brands, logos or graphics? Make sure to include the cost of these as well!

If you have referral contest associated with your referral campaign, be sure to factor in prizes such as giveaways (e.g., iPads), gift cards from Amazon and other popular online retailers, etc. The average consumer will not participate if they feel that it’s not worth their time so make sure this incentive is worthwhile enough to increase participation rates!

You don’t want your referrals being too low because incentives are unattractive – people are lazy! Keep them motivated by providing something that matters to them so can benefit too.

#3 Goal & Objectives

What do you hope referral marketing will accomplish for your business? This is an important step because if there isn’t a well-defined goal then it could end up being very ineffective (or even harmful) to your business growth and revenue. Make sure that your company has clear objectives that are defined from the get go of the referral campaigns!

Referral schemes work by incentivizing customers with discounts or rewards when they refer someone else whether it’s through word-of-mouth, advocacy or incentivized referrals.

It refers to any positive information about a product/service that spreads via personal conversation between two people who trust each other while advocate referral programs incentivize customers to become referral marketers by offering additional incentives for new referrals.

Incentivized referral programs give a reward or incentive when referrers make a referral of their own, so it’s the best way to get more people involved in your referral marketing campaign for better customer acquisition.

Referral Rate

A referral rate is the percentage of customers that are referred to a business by another customer. This can be measured in terms of how many new customers are acquired through referrals or how much revenue is generated from referrals. This is one of the key metrics that you have to constantly watch out for.

The difference between referral marketing and word-of-mouth referral

Word-of-mouth referral marketing is when your customers talk about their positive experience with your company and refer new potential buyers. It’s an excellent way to spread the word that you provide a certain product or service since it comes from someone they trust! The main difference between referral marketing and a word-of-mouth referral program is who delivers the message: referral marketers are paid for referrals while WOMM can be free, but may not always deliver results as effectively due to lack of budget.

referral marketing specifics

Incentivized referral programs vs advocate referral programs

Incentivized referral programs are when your customers refer someone new to your company and they receive a reward or incentive for referrals. This is considered an effective referral program because the customer has more of an interest in making sure their referral works out than just doing it as a favor.

On the other hand, advocate referral models involve bonus incentives that go only to advocates who have referred multiple people which means there’s more at stake since they’re putting their reputation on the line if things don’t work out!

Advocates also tend to be brand ambassadors – loyal fans who will happily share how great you are with others so this may encourage even more positive word-of-mouth referral marketing campaigns!

The difference between referral marketing and affiliate marketing

Referral marketing is very similar to affiliate marketing but referral marketers are rewarded for their referral while affiliates receive a commission. Both forms reward customers with incentives in return for sharing your business on their own personal channels, whether it’s through social media or word-of-mouth referrals!

referral marketing specifics

Why do businesses need referred customers?

Referral marketing is an inexpensive and effective way to grow your business. It’s free, easy to learn, and can be done by anyone in the company!

This guide will teach you referral marketing basics including how it works, why it’s important for your business growth, things to consider before starting a referral program like choosing referral advocate rewards or incentives that are appropriate for everyone involved since advocates may have different preferences when it comes time to redeem them.

It’s also good practice with referral marketers who refer someone new between two and five times per month to maintain their status as tier one referral marketer. On the other hand, if they refer someone new more than six times per month, they should be elevated to tier two referral marketer.

How to create a successful referral program

When creating referral marketing campaigns, keep in mind referral marketers are rewarded for their referral while affiliates receive a commission. Both forms of referral programs reward customers with incentives in return for sharing your business on their own personal channels, whether it’s through social media or word-of-mouth referrals!

referral program activities

What should you do?

If you’re running such campaigns, start by defining the goals and strategy to ensure everyone involved is working towards achieving them.

If you want to see an increase in sales revenue but aren’t sure how many new leads should be generated each month as a result of this campaign – that will affect the program design significantly since different referral advocate rewards may be needed depending on these KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

The benefits of referral marketing for your business 

Types of rewards you can offer in your program? Here they go!

#1 Cash

Cash referral reward is by far the most common referral advocate incentive. It’s a popular choice because it provides instant gratification for advocates and allows them to spend their earnings as they wish!

If you’re planning on incentivizing your referral program with cash giveaways, here are some tips that will help increase participation rates in programs like these:

– include clear instructions when designing email campaigns so customers know how to refer people to generate sales revenue or earn referral bonuses themselves;

– provide an easy way to track referrals (a unique referral link generated through share buttons) and make sure everyone involved knows where those links should be sent – whether its social media or via WOMM.

#2 Discounts

Discount referral reward is the second most popular incentive type in referral marketing. It’s a great choice for companies who want to offer incentives that are easy for advocates and their referrals to redeem, but still provide some value!

referral program software

If you’re planning on incentivizing your referral program with discounts, here are some tips that will help increase participation rates:

– make sure everyone involved knows where those links should be sent – whether its social media or via word of mouth;

– include clear instructions when designing email campaigns so customers know how to refer people to generate sales revenue or earn referral bonuses themselves;

– follow up with every advocate after they’ve referred someone new and ask them if everything was clearly explained

#3 Free products

Free product referral reward is a great choice for companies who are looking to get more brand exposure. Since advocates will have the opportunity to share products completely free of charge, they’re likely going to be excited about promoting your business!

#4 Referral fee

Referral fee referral reward is a great choice if your referral campaign targets businesses. If you’re looking to get best customers in the door, it’s likely that referral fees will be an added bonus for them!

If you choose referral fee as your incentive type, here are some tips:

– decide whether or not these funds should grow over time since referral advocates may need more and more money from referrals to cover their own product costs;

– include clear instructions when designing email campaigns so clients know how to refer people to generate sales revenue or earn referral bonuses themselves;

How to execute the perfect referral marketing strategy

The most important thing about referral marketing is having a well thought strategy behind it which sets up clear objectives with measurable results. A plan helps brands like yours attract potential clients more easily by utilizing socials and sharing content online. That’s what is called referral marketing!

referral marketing statistics

Other referral marketing strategies to keep in mind are:

– creating a referral program for your business that’s easy for customers to understand and participate in;

– follow up with every advocate after they’ve referred someone new and ask them if everything was clearly explained when referring people through referral links!

Make sure everyone knows what referral rewards will look like and how much those costs should add up to be.

This means strategizing all of these details before you even launch a referral campaign online or offline! Referral marketing strategies are incredibly powerful because they’re able to generate more than just one sale, but many which can lead into repeat customers over time as well. Just make sure you’re prepared to manage referral marketing campaigns – and the rewards that come with them!

Examples from companies who have successfully used referral campaigns in the past

#1 Dropbox referral program

Dropbox referral marketing campaign is a great example of referral reward structure done right. Dropbox used referral fee as their referral advocate incentive type, and it worked like magic – they got 100 million users in just two years, and many satisfied users.

referral marketer

The reason why this particular referral strategy was so effective for the company could be explained by various factors: 

– referral fees were high enough to motivate advocates (they needed to refer someone new to get $75);

– there wasn’t any limit on how many people an individual customer can refer;

#2 AirBNB referral marketing program

AirBNB referral campaign is another great example of referral marketing strategies done right. This referral fee was a $25 discount for both new and existing happy customers – it motivated advocates to refer more people, but also rewarded them at the same time!

AirBNB referral program could be successful because of the referral fee they chose – $25 discount was a generous enough amount to motivate advocates, but not too much that it would put AirBNBs costs for rewards on top. That’s also a great idea of how existing customer base was used.

Booking.com had a very similar campaign.

Tips on how to make sure customers are happy with their experience when they refer others 

– referral links can be generated through share buttons so advocates will always know where they should send their new leads;

– keep the conversation going with every referral advocate by asking them how everything was explained when referring someone to receive rewards. In other words, make sure everyone knows what referral rewards will look like and how much those costs should add up to be! This means strategizing all of these details before you even launch a referral campaign online or offline – it’s that important! 

Your referral marketing strategy should revolve around happy customers who are a part of your marketing plan.

By building customer interaction in your referral widget or referral app, you can spend your marketing budget wisely and make referral business model your next marketing channel for core business lead generation.

Why content is king in the world of referral marketing

Content marketing is really important for referral marketing as it can impact on providing customers, benefiting current customers, getting more referred leads and growing customer bases! Content is king, so it’s important for referral marketing campaigns to stand out from the crowd.

This way, your referral program may succeed – even if you don’t believe that content can bring you new customers and intensify marketing efforts!

referral marketing strategy content

How to create captivating referral marketing content?

How to create captivating referral marketing content? Think about what makes people tick and focus on giving them something that they need or want instead of selling directly to them.

Building relationships with customers will eventually lead to brand loyalty which results in a sustainable referral campaign. Here are some ideas:  write an ebook, publish case studies, record webinars or offer white papers so as not to be pushy and to give customers something of value.

Provide referral program incentives that are attractive for your audience: what makes referral marketing so powerful is the fact that it’s not only about referral codes and cash back, but also about new products or exclusive deals which attract attention with great benefit.

Rewards vs bonuses

When it comes to rewards versus bonuses in referral marketing, referral program managers must determine the type of reward that an individual referral partner receives.

Usually bonuses are larger than rewards and they can be offered as a way to thank referral partners for their efforts or for encouraging them to achieve certain goals in the future (like reaching a specific number of sales).

referral links

Rewards may also come in different forms: some people prefer cash-back while others would rather receive discounts on products from your store – just make sure you know what makes each referral partner happy!

Social currency can be a win win win situation for you too, if you count on higher profit margins. You may also want to leverage online forums to raise brand awareness and reach to your target market.

Even if most customers of your business came to you e.g. via Facebook ads or other purchasing decisions, referral marketing works as an entire process for getting to your targeted audience in no time. No matter if you run a business based on a custom built solution, or you are a small business – with referred leads, you can have complete control over how your product or service performs!

Tips for turning visitors into customers and customers into advocates 

#1 Offer them value

You can use referral marketing as a great word of mouth marketing tactics to not only make customer interactions, but also deliver value. A referral program won’t work unless you’re able to provide referral partners with something that they want or need, so make sure your referral marketing strategy includes a sense of value which is important for all parties involved.

At the end of the day, making every referral partner happy will pay off big time and keep them coming back!  If people don’t feel like referring their friends because there’s no incentive, then it defeats the purpose in setting up at all – think about how much money you could be losing out on just by not having enough referrals going through!

Rewards may also come in different forms: some people prefer cash-back while others would rather receive discounts on products from your store – just make sure you know what makes each referral partner happy!  Referral partners are more likely to refer new customers if there’s something in it for them so don’t be shy about dangling referral incentives that attract attention.

#2 Promote your referral program extensively

Promoting referral marketing campaigns is another important factor to keep in mind.

Make sure you have an active referral program set up and use your referral links everywhere on the web! Don’t be afraid of putting referral codes all over your website, social networks and even offline – print them out on business cards.

referral marketing options

You can also promote it through other businesses which are similar so make partnerships with companies that serve a similar clientele if possible since they may want to refer customers who visit their store(s) again through your own referral campaign (giving away certificates for referrals).

#3 Determine type of rewards

When it comes to referral marketing, referral program managers must determine the type of reward that an individual referral partner receives. Usually bonuses are larger than rewards and they can be offered as a way to thank referral partners for their efforts or for encouraging them to achieve certain goals in the future (like reaching a specific number of sales).

Rewards may also come in different forms: some people prefer cash-back while others would rather receive discounts on products from your store – just make sure you know what makes each referral partner happy!

referral marketing messages

At the end of the day, making every referral partner happy will pay off big time and keep them coming back! If people don’t feel like referring their friends because there’s no incentive, then it defeats the purpose in setting up at all – think about how much money you could be losing out on just by not having enough referrals going through!

So remember: always offer great incentives to drive more conversions since getting new customers through referral links can lead into repeat sales over time as well.

The best thing you can do for a referral campaign is to provide people with an incentive which motivates them to share content on social platforms like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn – reaching their friends as well and making sure they get familiar enough with your brand!

#4 Identify the best promotional channels

Promoting referral marketing campaigns is another important factor to keep in mind. You should know which channels will work best for your affiliate efforts!

What are the best channels for referral marketing program?

Of course, it depends! Email marketing is great since referral partners are usually your most loyal customers – they trust you and know that whatever offer you have out there, it’s a good one.

referral marketing efforts for marketers

You may also try offline channels for promotion. Promote referral links at events or any sort of offline trade show that you attend – referral marketing is a great way to meet new people and stay in touch! You can also mention referral codes when talking about sharing content online such as Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn with friends, as it can affect lead generation of any grooming company.

There are tons of ways for promoting referral marketing campaigns so think outside the box and use all your promotional channels to reach more customers through referrals if possible!

#5 Make sure you know your target group and their needs

Knowing your customer base and what they want is also important.

Who are referral marketing customers?

They’re usually people who trust you enough to buy from them! You can offer services through online channels like Facebook or Twitter, but referral partners will be most loyal customers – in fact, their friends might not have even heard of your store yet so make sure referral codes allow for easier sharing on social media platforms since that’s the whole point behind referral marketing campaigns anyway: reach more potential clients by using referrals as a way to increase traffic!

Customer referrals can be a huge asset in your referral process and a shining star in your referral marketing software. Next referred customers can keep bringing more happy customer over social media, enhancing your digital marketing strategy and making your existing customers even more loyal!

referral strategy for marketers

For example, let’s say Coffee Joe likes going out at night after work with his friends (all coworkers) and he always goes to Cafe Latte during those times because it offers good deals if you come after certain hours of the day. Joe tells his friends about Cafe Latte and they’re interested in coming over for a cup themselves – so referral marketing comes into play since you have loyal customers who are willing to share great deals with their friends!

High performing referral programs base on huge and vast referral marketing work. Social media are a great connector between traditional marketing and marketing tactics to make a referral process easy. Use referral marketing to make the most of your customers acquired in the past (and all their friends!).

#6 Research where from referrals are coming now!

Another important aspect of referral marketing campaigns is to know where referral traffic comes from!

You should pay attention not only to the number of referrals you get but also which channels are the most effective in producing referral partners for example – social media like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn may be great ways to reach more potential customers through their friends so make sure you’re checking out what’s working best for your business before starting a referral campaign.

referral marketing ideas

It’s all about research: knowing how many referrals come from each channel as well as seeing how conversion rates can improve with one referral partner over another will help you keep track on results and always have an eye on changes when it comes down to running successful affiliate programs and referral marketing program.

#7 Create captivating promotional materials for word of mouth marketing

Customers are more likely to share referral links if they think it’s a compelling offer – so make sure you create great referral material for your campaign!

Check out other referral program and see what works the best or even try asking your referral partners how they would like to be rewarded with their efforts. You can keep up with different promotions but always remember that having an effective strategy will rely on rewarding customers who want to support you in making new business while generating leads at the same time!

How to go about sharing referral codes?

So, start sharing referral codes everywhere possible: online (where most people spend their free time) as well as offline (trade shows and events). With some creativity and good referral marketing software, any place could become a spot for promoting referral marketing campaigns for referral partners to share referral links with their friends!

referral marketing opportunities

You should definitely check out marketing channels for inspiration on how your referral process can look like. Check out Shopify’s referral program as an example of a referral marketing campaign that works by rewarding customers with 15% off new referrals within the first month and later generating discounts for both referral partners and referred clients when they come back together again – not only is this a great way to increase customer loyalty but it also guarantees high levels of ROI (return on investment) from running such campaigns since most people will return after receiving discounted goods or services.

Social media are key in any modern digital strategy, so make sure you’re checking out what networks work best for your business before deciding on a referral marketing software.

The future of referral marketing – what’s coming next and how it will affect you as a business owner?

The future of referral marketing is bright and has a lot to offer for businesses who want to get ahead in the digital world. From other customers that will increase revenue, customer acquisition with social referrals as well as all sorts of referral software – there are plenty ways through which referral marketing can help your business grow!

There’s an abundance of referral partners out there – it just takes finding them and making effective use of every way possible so make sure you’re not missing out on any referral program by running one yourself or taking advantage from existing ones!

Referral and mobile – power couple?

Don’t forget about mobile: more people than ever before have access to smartphones so try looking into how apps play a role in building successful referral campaigns (and don’t go thinking referral marketing programs are limited to desktop only anymore!)

Data and referral – power couple!

Another important aspect of referral marketing is using referral data and metrics. You should pay attention not only to the number of referrals you get but also which channels are the most effective in producing referral partners. Best customers are loyal satisfied customers, often even better than family members. And they can be great for your referral efforts, bringing this valuable social currency into play for your business.

Say goodbye to formal referral program, once and for all.

Referral marketing 2021: what works, and what doesn’t?

Referral marketing is a powerful form of marketing that has proven to be very effective for businesses. Referral marketing can work especially well in the 2021 economy, where consumers are more conscious about their spending and want to make sure they’re getting value when they spend on something. This blog post will explore what works and doesn’t with referral marketing so you can get the most bang for your buck!

Affiliate marketing is hotter than ever. With Instagram and Youtubers taking a big slice of the pie, it might feel like referrals are only for the already rich and famous. However, there’s a subtle group of affiliate marketers placing strategic links in their high-volume blog posts. Either through explicitly calling out a product or just linking to it, affiliate marketing is booming without anybody seeing the behind=the-scenes work.

There is, of course, the small ask of getting that post seen by the right audience. So we are talking about referral marketing exploiting SEO. It’s no good writing a blog post and inserting affiliate links. And if you’re not Instagram-famous, search engines remain the largest platform for your blog posts to be read.

Dominic Kent, Founder.

Going the extra mile for subscribers can do a lot for your business. Everytime someone interacts with your company (e.g. via Whatsapp chatbot), they should be left feeling great, even after a complaint. So, being able to fulfil your customer’s needs always results in something good. The main point is that you should always be nice to your loyal consumers, no matter what.

What doesn’t work is not doing anything about something your customers care about. For example, not dealing with their complaints and ignoring their inquiries. By doing these things, you can lose customers and destroy your brand at the same time. No matter how difficult it is, always put your customers first and find a way to deal with their complaints in an understanding and professional way.

Ebnu Sudarso, Co-Founder

Referral marketing has transformations in recent years due to the increase of customer acquisition costs and the decrease price of used customers. Agencies who are looking for a reasonable return on their investment should ideally target new customers, meaning referral marketing will likely become more expensive. Approaches that come out ahead with buying new customers is the use of word-of-mouth advertising, organic exposure within social networks, and active media mix engagement. Ad dos that work well? A single paid placement will normally do better than sustained “word-of-mouth” campaigns – but reliability is questionable for one campaign.

Maciej Biegajewski, LiveWebinar

What would work in referral marketing in 2021?
1. Before kicking off referral marketing, make sure you build your fan base with your existing customers. Not any customer will contribute until he/she is a brand loyalist.
2. CSAT score is an important metric to target your customers for referral marketing
3. Target specific group of your existing customers for referral marketing
4. Keep the incentives useful, genuine by knowing what your customers need
5. Keep your incentives recurring than a one-time thing

Rangarajan Nallappa, Marketing Lead,

1. Don’t build partnerships just based on social media stats

While establishing partnerships with referral ambassadors, don’t just run behind their social media stats such as follower counts, likes, etc.

Pick influencers that are relevant to your business/product, even if their follower base is not too high.

More importantly, pick the ones that have a healthy relationship with their online followers.

2. Respect the referrals

Once a referral reaches your platform, you have limited time to convert them to customers. The best way to do so is by personalizing your message to them.

Give them information on why your online booking platform is a right fit for them and how it can help ease their life.

Also, inceltivize their membership by providing them with discounts and other benefits for availing your services.

3. Don’t complicate the referral process:

Work on keeping the referral process simple and easy to understand. Educate your existing customers about why your product/service needs to be promoted and what they’ll get in return for their effort.

Avoid implementing complex forms, asking too much personal details, etc.

Vineet Gupta, Digital Marketing Team Lead,

There are many ways to use referral marketing. Some of these methods work- and some, despite their huge popularity, just don’t.

The majority of marketers who use referral marketing choose to spread the word about their product through online communities like Facebook groups or forums. They often offer rewards for active members in the group who do more than just commit to joining; they also offer merchandise or free demonstrations with exchangeable referrals (receiving a share when someone signs up).
It’s harder for marketer’s messages on social media sites to be seen because of all the other spamming going on there- so it really depends whether someone wants a wider audience or not.

Julien Roy, Sparkbay

When we talk about 2021 referral marketing trends, influencers will have bigger impact and become more important. Nowadays, influencers are always more effective than you when it comes to selling anything. They have a large number of social interactions and followers for them, which can help you to drive hyper-targeted traffic. Not to mention they also help you gain trust in your customers by stating highly valuable reviews on your product to the audiences. ​In this case, smart marketers will be looking forward to use influencers for their referral marketing strategy

Meanwhile, one referral marketing trend that has to go away is relying on one, single offer only. Today’s savvy marketers always seek to diversify, looking for different products and services to satisfy their target customers. Therefore, they start partnering with new affiliates or diversifying their own offers.

Andre Oentoro, CEO of

Referral marketing still works wonders in 2021. This word-of-mouth marketing is one of the effective ways to acquire new customers almost easily. Although referral marketing happens almost naturally, you can boost it up by making the right strategy to connect with your target audience.
Making viral content is excellent when you want huge coverage and exposure about your brand. When people start talking about you, chances are more people will get in the thread and tag their friends to discuss your product. While this is a powerful tactic, it can go wrong when you don’t do it correctly.
Once your content goes viral, you can undo it or simply neglect its existence when it goes wrong. That’s why you need to be careful before creating new content. Although virality is key to your brand’s exposure, making unethical and provoking content for the sake of getting attention will leave your brand a bad impression, which can’t be changed easily over the years.

Natasha Rei, Digital Marketing Manager at Explainerd

#ParrotInspires: Referral marketing & SEO – perfect match?

There’re so many ways to get new leads for your page. Thanks to the digital revolution, many brands are launching and operating their businesses more easily than before. Some of the ways are easy to obtain, while others are more challenging. That’s why you should consider using referral marketing – it’s an easy way to build a relationship with your customers! Moreover, when you combine referral marketing efforts with SEO actions, you will have the opportunity to create strategies that are effective and support your objectives!

The matter of referral marketing and SEO

To better show you how can referral marketing and SEO work together, we need to tell more about  these elements:

Referral marketing

Referral marketing helps you stand out from your competitors and the crowd significantly. We can say it’s an effective form of marketing as it uses referrals, recommendations, and positive word of mouth to help grow your business and company. It uses the networks and connections of your current customers. What’s more, it’s generally based on customer engagement. You should also be aware that word of mouth referrals are usually cheaper.

A referral marketing strategy involves getting someone you know and trust (a referral) to sell or promote your product to a specific group of customers who wish to buy from you. 

Referral marketing can involve adding referral links to your website or encouraging customers for referrals. Your company can generate new leads with this strategy if it’s handled correctly. When a product or service is referred, it results in success in some fields. 

What about SEO?

SEO aims to achieve the highest ranking of a website in natural (organic) search results for particular phrases and keywords. The first position on the search rankings will allow you to gain more visitors to your site, build brand recognition, and increase income from the sale of services and products. However, the benefits may become apparent only after a few weeks since it is a long-term undertaking. 

Another SEO aim is to make sure that the website is visible and understandable to the search engine robots. Essentially it means, the architecture of the site as a whole, the structure of pages, the content, and keywords should be optimised in a way that allows for better search engine rankings.

We also can highlight two types of SEO:

  • White hat SEO – activities following the rules of search engines. The most common include:
    • mutual connection i.e. links exchange,
    • website optimisation, taking into account the users’ requirements,
    • content optimisation by creating valuable content for website visitors.
  • Black hat SEO – are unethical activity and inconsistent with search engine codes. The most popular of them are:
    • spamming message boards,
    • creating content exclusively for search engine robots,
    • repeating keywords or placing them in white font, 
    • abuse of pop-up windows.

Can they work together?

Referral marketing and SEO can work together and complement each other! But, you may wonder how, and we are in a hurry with the answer.

First of all, it’s great when you have a great experience with the people you’re working with, and they want to share their experiences with others. Applying these opinions to your webpage makes your content more trustworthy for engines. Then, they treat your website higher in natural search results. It’s a great option to use such a solution, as people give opinions about what’s at the forefront of their minds. They imitate things that they can see around quite often and share things that can hold much value in the market. People share beautiful stories with others too. All this can substantially positively impact your brand if you consider using this information on your web.

Benefits to combining RM & SEO

Thanks to connecting referral marketing to SEO, you can get various benefits like:

  1. More potential clients will know about your company. Using this solution will increase your company’s recognition, and it’s a huge plus because if you failed to do so before, now you have a chance.
  2. The popularity of your product will rise. Also, your products will benefit from this. Increased brand awareness means increased product awareness.
  3. Your business can grow. The above two factors will make your business gain momentum and grow.
  4. You can grab more employees. Increasing interest among potential employees means you can improve your workforce. You can get new hands to help you or make some changes to your squad that you’ve been thinking about for a long time.
  5. You can make new contacts with contactors. Further cooperation means new opportunities, experiences and development. New contractors can provide them.
  6. You can reach to competition’s clients. Maybe you will gain customers from the competition?  Maybe new customers will find out about you? Or friends recommend your products to them? Everything is possible.
  7. You can introduce new products more efficiently. If you want to introduce a new product, referral marketing and SEO will make things easier. Reliable opinions will drive customers and potential customers to trust your new products faster.
  8. You can leave your competition behind. Are your competitors not taking advantage of referral marketing? Excellent! Do it with you and be the first among them.
  9. You can use positive opinions to improve your brand image. If your company has had an image problem, the hope is, among other things, combined referral marketing and SEO. Improve your appearance, show the world positive opinions about your products, about the company, and track the events.
  10. You can spread your business. All the factors outlined here will help you develop your business in many areas!

Summary – is it a perfect match?

Like you see, acquiring businesses through referrals may be even two times faster than other means. Referral marketing is cost-effective, impactful, and trusted. Additionally, the method relies on word-of-mouth referrals and can be used by any business. Getting referrals helps you turn satisfied customers into remarkable convincing customers. If they know people looking for such services, ask them to refer you to them as your services and products are available for all those satisfied consumers at a fair price. 

When you consider referral marketing in SEO, you will be able to reach more and more people worldwide. As a result, you can increase your revenue and begin your journey to becoming a leading brand. So, what are you waiting for? Go for it! 

Influencer Marketing vs Referral Marketing: What’s the Difference?

If we were to put it shortly, that would be it:

Influencer marketing is the process of partnering with an influencer in order to promote a product or service.

Referral marketing, on the other hand, takes advantage of customer engagement and word-of-mouth to generate sales. It can involve anything from adding referral links to your website to incentivizing customers for referrals.

There are several similarities between these two types of marketing strategies: both rely heavily on content that is interesting and engaging; they encourage users to share their opinions; they offer incentives for sharing information about products or services; etc. However, there are also some significant differences between them. This blog post will explore those differences so you can figure out which strategy might be right for your business!

What is referral marketing?

Referral marketing is the act of persuading a customer to buy from you by getting someone they know and trust (a referral) to sell or endorse your product. When done right, it can be one of the most effective ways of generating new leads for your company.

How does referral marketing work?

Referral marketing is a form of word-of-mouth advertising that relies on the power of personal recommendations and social networks to get more people interested in your product or service. It’s mostly based around customers getting other customers (who are likely friends) to sign up for something, buy a product, or try out an experience via referrals from existing members.

In contrast, influencer marketing involves working with someone who has access to media channels such as blogs and YouTube channels with lots of subscribers/fans which can help spread awareness about a company’s products through testimonials or reviews. These individuals have large online audiences – they’re usually called “influencers” because their social reach influences purchases among fans following them.

What are some benefits of referral marketing?

The key benefit that comes with referral marketing is boosting sales through familiar faces in an increasingly digital world. Because people tend to do business with those they know and like, referrals play on this impulse while also giving companies access to customers who may not have found them otherwise. Plus, when something goes wrong during the sale process (e.g., an inaccurate shipment), a good word from a trusted friend has much more clout than any form of marketing.

Customers are guaranteed quality goods and services. When customers refer businesses they trust, they’re essentially guaranteeing that the person or company will provide what was promised–a guarantee not found in most referral programs. It also helps build loyalty for repeat referrals as well so companies see higher conversion.

What are some drawbacks to referral marketing?

The biggest drawback that comes with referral marketing is the time it takes for a company to get set up and running on the platform. It can be tough getting users who have never heard of you or tried your product before, which requires a lot more work in order to grow an audience from scratch – something most companies don’t do well without a budget behind them. This also makes these platforms less attractive if customer acquisition costs are high and competition is fierce (i.e., Facebook campaigns).

This leads into another issue: relying too much on one channel for lead generation means missing out on other opportunities as they come along, especially when social media trends change fast or new channels open up.

One more downside is that these platforms only work when customers are ready to buy something. If the customer isn’t in-market, there’s nothing being sold, and thus no lead.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a new way for businesses to connect with their target audience via social media. It’s an effective strategy because it places the trust and message of the business squarely in the hands of someone that consumers already know, like, and trust. The influencers we work with are true thought leaders – they’re experts at what they do as well as passionate about your line of products or services.

How does it work?

The most common type of influencer marketing is paying for a sponsored post on a blog. A company will pay an influencer to create content that features their product or service, they then share it with their audience and this, in turn, leads to potential customers. This technique has been around since the 70s when Phillip Morris paid sitcom stars from “M*A*S*H” $25,000 per episode to mention Marlboro cigarettes in dialogue and show images of actors smoking cigarettes between scenes. There are many benefits associated with using Influencers as your advertising medium including improving brand awareness, raising website traffic through social media sites like Facebook or YouTube channels devoted solely to Influencers.

Pros of influencer marketing in your strategy

Influencer marketing can be a lot less expensive than other forms of advertising because you’re purchasing their attention rather than something physical. It’s the fastest way to get an audience on board without much investment in time or money.

In influencer marketing, it is important for your strategy that what they are promoting aligns with their niche and who they want to reach so it has more impact. For instance, if someone wants to promote vegetarianism as opposed to veganism then it might not have as great of a response from the target group but will still generate interest among those looking into different types of eating habits.

Influencers have social proof which means that when they put something out there, their followers and fans find it credible.

Influencers also have a deep understanding of the needs of consumers: Influencer marketing campaigns can be much more targeted than other forms of advertising because influencers know what people in their niche want to hear about. You don’t need to guess at demographics or psychographics when you work with an influencer who is already familiar with those things.

What are some similarities between referral marketing and influence marketing?

If people know a brand but not the individual behind it (e.g., Jennifer Lawrence), they might still trust what this person is saying about them because of who they are as an influencer – even if all their stuff had been sponsored from day one. In either case, those with clout have power over others’ decisions; how much weight is given to each depends on the level of connection felt by both parties.

Influencers can be anyone: celebrities like Taylor Swift or Kim Kardashian, social media stars like Gigi Gorgeous or Zoella from YouTube, the CEO of your company.

Influencer marketing is the newest trend in advertising because it’s a more authentic form of advertisement. Referral marketing isn’t as effective at influencing consumers to buy products for various reasons, such as people see referral posts as annoying advertisements and they don’t want their friends knowing that they bought something from an ad.

What are the main differences between referral marketing vs Influencer Marketing?

Here are some key points:

– Referral programs rely heavily on word-of-mouth referrals

– Referral programs can be used by any company

– Influencer marketing is more based on generating content to attract a specific target market

Word of mouth referrals are usually cheaper than influencer marketing methods. Whereas, large online reach through social media means that influencers have the ability to generate an expensive cost per click for their products or services (i.e., they could charge $500-$1000)

– Referral and Influencer marketing both come with choosing who you want to work with and what form your end goal should take.

Over to you

What should you choose: influencer marketing or referral marketing? Why wouldn’t you combine your efforts and invest in both ways? We fully encourage you to do so – and use Early Parrot for this purpose!

#ParrotInspires: How Email Marketing Supports Your Referral Program

Email is the most cost-effective way to keep in touch with your customers and prospects. But it’s not just about sending out a marketing email every now and then—it’s about creating an engagement plan that works for you and your business. Check out our clever approaches to boosting sales on your referral program with email services.

#0 First things first

The first step for any great affiliate or partner strategy starts by using emails as the medium of communication between partners and affiliates/referrers alike, while also incentivizing them both along the way too! This style of “closed loop” communications makes it easier to track performance, and therefore more efficient to manage.

Your referral program should be the “hub” for all communications, as it’s a great place to keep in touch with your partners and affiliates about what they can do together. Think of emails as one way you may want to let them know how their referrals are doing!

The most effective campaigns have email sequences that bring customers through the entire process: from reaching out for information on making a purchase decision up until after they’ve purchased something or participated in an event. The sequence typically starts by introducing who you’re inviting to participate – then provides incentives like discounts or free gifts (which vary depending on your industry). If this is successful, there will be subsequent phases where you might provide additional perks.

#1 Create a sequence of referral emails

Email #0: Introduce your referral program and make the offer

Your first email should consist of some introduction to your referral program and showing its value. Ideally, you should offer a discount or some type of reward to those who sign up.

Hi _______,

How are you? I hope all is well! With summer here (yay!), there’s never a bad time to chat about how we can grow our business together through referrals – one of my favorite topics 🙂 Can you introduce me to someone in your network who might be interested in what we do? We have some great deals right now that would also help them save on their next purchase with us. All they need to do is mention this email and get 20% off any product or service when they become new customers. And if they sign up by September 30th, we’ll give them an additional $100 towards anything from our store!

So, introduce me to someone you know who might want more information about our products or services (or buy something from us) and we’ll hook them up with a great deal. I can’t wait to hear from you – let’s connect soon.



Want a quicker version? Here it goes.

Hi _______,

Congratulations on reaching one of your goals at work/school! It sounds like that took some time and effort—I’m really proud for you! In return for all this hard work, what would be a better reward than $100 off any product in our store? Just mention my name when signing up by September 30th* so we can give you the $100.

Happy shopping,


*Terms and conditions apply.

Email #1

Follow up with customers who have not yet taken advantage of this great opportunity to share their love for you!

Your next email would be your thank-you for signing up and the introduction to your referral program. This is where you educate them on how it works – what are they going to get in return? A good incentive could be an exclusive coupon codes available only for their referrals. You’ll want this message short so that people can easily pass it on through social media or by word of mouth but long enough for them to see its value.

Email #2

Send a reminder email or two near the end date of your promotion, especially if it is about to expire soon. Good idea? Maybe not so much—people will be less likely to respond when they are already on autopilot…

In your third email, send out rewards! People love getting things fast and if you’re lucky with a large number of new customers referred over time, then they may not need any more incentives beyond receiving their reward (along with the person they referred to).

Email #3

Send a thank you email to your new customers, share something about yourself and show appreciation for their support. This is also where you can include links to other blog posts, products or services that would be of interest to them.

You guessed it—another chance in this last email for an exclusive coupon code! And if anyone has not yet taken advantage of getting 20% off any purchase when referring to someone else? Your offer should still stand after a particular date, too!

This content will only work well as long form content because there are so many steps involved in running an effective referral campaign.

#2 Leverage your email signature to promote the program

If you are getting a lot of emails from your company, be sure to include the referral program in your signature. This will make it easier for people to refer and share their content with others. It’s simple marketing!

If you add links to your referral program in your email signature, you can gain more interest and potential options for collaboration.

#3 Make your referrals feel like a priority

Send info about your referral program to your brand ambassadors.

The more people you can get to advocate for your brand, the better.

Reach out to them with offers and updates about the referral program. You want those supporters of yours to feel like they’re a priority so that they’ll continue giving word-of-mouth referrals.

Your business is competing against every other company in a customer’s inbox daily. So it’s important to make sure this info stands out from all their other emails (think: newsletters, promotions, blog posts). For example? Make it personal by showing some personality! Send an email thanking them for the referral or asking what product worked best for them when referring others!

It doesn’t matter if you forward each recommendation request on as soon as possible – one at a time – or if you batch them together, as long as they’re answered.

#4 Double-check the timing

Timing is everything when it comes to sending your emails. You need to pick the right time and date, otherwise, the open rate of your emails can be terribly low.

However, the best answer to this “When to Send Email” question is: it depends – on your subscribers, your industry, and many other factors.

For example if you are a retail store that sells products for pets such as dog food or grooming tools then “midnight Friday” might be an appropriate hour because pet owners purchase more over the weekend than any other day during the week (according to Experian Consumer Insights from 2017). But if you sell something like jewelry that isn’t often purchased online at midnight on Fridays (or even in the middle of the day for that matter) then you might want to plan your email campaign so it sends at a different time.

If you are in an industry where customers don’t typically buy products online from midnight on Friday, and instead wait until Sunday night when they get home from their weekend activities, then send out your emails during this time frame because people will be more likely to open them. And if many of your clients work nine-to-five jobs, avoid sending any campaigns later than noon on Fridays or early Saturday mornings. These two times are prime moments for catching up with friends and family over coffee after being stuck inside all week rather than checking their inboxes (let alone opening one).

#5 Pick the right email subject line

The most common email titles are short ones. Do you fear that you may not include everything you want to say? Preheader is the place to put it.

Creating short emails is not easy every time, but it’s worth experimenting to see how they perform. Remember that mobile devices can only display a limited number of characters if you contain more than 25-70 characters. Five out of every ten email recipients view their messages on a smartphone.

The end result is that you have an engaged customer base who are empowered because they know what’s going on in their company. Your reward: Loyal customers bring new customers!

Over to you

One of the most effective ways to grow your referral program is through email marketing. Emails help keep customers engaged in the referral process and remind them about opportunities for earning rewards with every new customer who joins their team.

#ParrotInspires: Types of referrals

If you are familiar with our blog, then you will already know that referral marketing is a great way to acquire new clients and make the process cost-effective. If your program is a success, customers will refer your brand and products to their friends or family, and your brand awareness will increase.

From the point of view of the referred parties, the variety of referral processes has already been mentioned in our guide on how to start referral marketing. But there is more to discover!

In this article, you will find the most popular and commonly used types of referrals. Our goal is to point out the differences and suggest who would benefit most from them. Shall we begin?

Types of referrals – a quick breakdown

There are many types of recommendations that you can implement in your referral program. They are categorized as follows:

  1. Referral sources
  2. Method of communication
  3. Medium of communication

We classify the types of referrals this way, but you could create your own system. Each of them is briefly described below. It is important to mention that you can mix up the types that you provide, as no rule says you have to stick to just one!

Referral sources

In this category, you will find three referral types. It is worth noting that these referral types are very popular among B2B referrals. Let’s start with reputation based referrals. 

  1. Reputation based referrals

These referrals are for brands that are well-known. This is primarily based on the assumption that your products are already established and well-received. Typically, these referral types are handled by large companies that have been on the market for years, have loyal customers, and even their “typical” recipients have no problem being associated with their names, logos, or products.

Those who want to take advantage of this referral type should focus on building strong relationships with recipients and raising awareness of their brands. Marketing activities should be differentiated between individual markets rather than homogenized by global companies.

  1. Experience-based referrals

Many people associate “referral marketing” with recommendations of this type. Referrals in this case are not derived from the reputation of the company, but from direct experiences related to it. People who suggest using products or services base their recommendations on their own experiences. The important point is that in this case (as in most), customers are not the only ones who can make referrals. Products could be recommended by employees or employee referral programs. Even business partners may refer you to others for cooperation. As a result of their credibility and the use of products by trusted individuals, experience-based referrals are very effective. To gain loyal customers, it is crucial to establish lasting relationships and deliver a good user experience. 

Experience-based referrals are for brands that deliver the highest quality and provide faultless service.

  1. Specialized-based referral

The last type of referrals are based on specialities. In this case, the referrer knows in which niche you operate but they still have a general lack of knowledge about your reputation and most likely they are not your permanent customers. Such referrals are based on what they have heard from others. It is important to show why the recommendations make sense at this level and show no dissonance to any of the referrers.

It is worth mentioning that if you operate on the B2B market and are searching for such a recommendation, there is no point in only focusing on one type of referral. You should do your best to invest resources in delivering all three. 

Method of communication and trigger

The following category discusses types of referrals according to the way they encourage potential customers to join. First come direct referrals.

  1. Direct referrals

The principles of direct referral programs are very simple, and moreover they are very effective. This type of referral is very similar to the aforementioned experience-based ones. So what’s the point, then? 

With this type of referral, your current customers refer your business to their friends or family because they are familiar and satisfied with it and want their close ones to benefit from your products. More than 90% of consumers believe in referrals from people they know. Let’s say that some random influencer recommends a shampoo from brand X on their social media, while at the same time your friend tells you that the shampoo from brand Y is the best and makes your hair look exactly like shown in their ad. It is very likely that you choose the latter because you trust your friends more than influencers. They are your close ones for a reason after all.

With direct referrals, you ask your regular client to recommend your brand by offering them incentives. Once they meet the requirements, both they and their referees may receive rewards.

  1. Implied referrals

Referrals of this type are often overlooked, which is a mistake because they can bring a lot of profits. In short, what do implied referrals rely on? They are about showcasing your brand but without intrusive promotion. You have to let people know that you are present on the market. A good way would be, for instance, to sponsor a charity event. No one wants to detract attention from the main goal, which is why sponsors are just in the background. However, you will be remembered by the participants, and maybe the event organizer will recommend you too. It is worth presenting yourself in an unobvious manner. 

An example of a budget version of implied referrals is to assume you run a florist service and start cooperating with a wedding planner. You can make an agreement that the planner shows your portfolio to future brides and grooms in order to make subtle recommendations this way. 

This referral type may be useful for newbies on the market to make some noise about their brand, but on the other hand, if you want to make a name for yourself through sponsorships then it will require a decent amount of money. 

  1. Tangible referrals

Now let’s talk about tangible referrals. The word “tangible” refers to the fact that you should provide value to your customers so they can pass it to referees. This is a method that can not be overused though, because then it loses the sense of uniqueness that makes clients feel special.

Basically, this type of referral is for brands that have been around for a while and have the option to choose the most active customers to pass along extras to. 

  1. Community referrals

Last but not least, community referrals. There are many non-profit organizations that would appreciate your help. Supporting their jobs is one of the best types of help you can provide. You could offer a percentage of your weekly sales or deals such as “If you buy products from category X, we will donate 10% of your purchase to non-profit organization Y”.  As a result of whatever sales are generated, your community partner will be motivated to talk about and refer your organization to their constituents. It is a win-win situation. 

This method requires sources and customers who are willing to shop for this type of partnership to be possible, so if you have been on the market for a while then this approach could be for you.

Medium of communication

Now it is high time to cover mediums. Referrals can be shared via many platforms, so let’s focus on the most popular ones.

  1. Social media

Social media comes first since it is estimated that we will spend over 6 years of our lives scrolling through these platforms. They are a big part of our lives nowadays. If you want to use the full power of social media marketing, you should focus on referrals too. This method is often used when your clients want to share their referral codes or links with their friends. They can be very powerful messages, but it is you who should design them. You can do so with a little help from referral program software. With EarlyParrot you can design the communication while creating your referral program. You have various platforms and messengers to choose from, so you just have to focus on delivering valuable content that will grab the attention of your clients’ followers. 

Social media referrals can bring you many new customers since people spend so much time on these platforma. Why not use this habit to your advantage?


  1. Email

Your email marketing strategy ought to involve referral communication. You should invite each of your new customers to join your program and remind your client base about it from time to time.

Referral emails need to be clear and deliver the essence of your program. They should indicate how to sign up and what rewards are available to be earned. You can read more about this topic here.

  1. SMS

It takes a bit of effort and also sensitivity to use this communication channel. You can not overuse text messaging because your customers may feel trapped if you do. Your messages shouldn’t be sent too often, so it is better just to use this channel as a reminder from time to time rather than your main way to keep customers in the loop. 

SMS messages are a good way to remind that, e.g., only one referral has to be successful in order for a reward to be given out. If customers give their consent for it, you can also remind your current client base about your program. But as we mentioned, sometimes enough can be enough. Consider how annoying it would be if your phone rang every day with the same message about referrals. Terrible!

To recap 

You may feel overwhelmed by the various types of referrals presented above, but don’t be. These lists give you the opportunity to vary referral co-operations and make your programs more attractive to their potential participants.

There is no need to use all of the different types, but rather choose the one that will work best for your business and fit your industry well. You know your environment and customers best, so you know what will grab their attention most. This is just encouragement to try and show you all the possibilities!

Social media marketing and referral marketing – a power couple?

Marketers are constantly seeking new and unique promotional ways to boost the performance of the businesses they work for. Usually, the key is to attract as many people as possible in order to acquire new customers. There are numerous marketing methods, but not all of them are effective. 

In this article, we will share with you our perfect recipe for gaining new customers quickly. The perfect duo which will give a new meaning to your marketing strategy is here. All you need is a strong social media presence and a good referral program. You will be surprised how well these two go hand-in-hand together and can change your business forever.

Let’s jump in!

What is social media marketing?

We hear the term ‘social media marketing’ a lot, right? But what exactly is it? It might seem pretty obvious, but it is actually a lot more complex than it may seem. In short, social media marketing refers to the use of social media platforms and websites to promote products and/or services as well as brands, movements, events, people, and much more. 

Nowadays, social media marketing plays an important role in digital advertising as it involves encouraging various audiences to engage with brands and perform specific actions. Companies that want to promote their businesses will usually advertise their activities on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and now also TikTok, just to name a few examples. 

The importance of social media

Let’s look at some of the key statistics regarding social media for this year:

  • Facebook is the most commonly used social media platform worldwide.

Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2021, ranked by number of active users (source).

  • On average, people spend 2 hours, 25 minutes on social media every day



Social media marketing is a powerful tool, there is no doubt about that. Now that you are familiar with how much various platforms can do, let’s focus on the key pros and cons of social media marketing.

Good or bad ?

Like with everything, there are good and bad sides of social media. It is important, however, that you try to keep a balance between the advantages and disadvantages. Do not only think about the pros and forget the cons, but also make sure you do not focus solely on that latter and end up not even giving social media marketing a try. Find your golden mean and use social media to its full potential.


  • low cost and high effectiveness 

You can post content on social media platforms pretty much for free. If your content is interesting and people engage with it repeatedly, it will get many impressions that could lead to a high conversion rate and new leads. 

  • huge audience potential 

With so many social media users worldwide, there undoubtedly will always be people who will want to follow you and view your content. You never know who will become your new customer, so why not give it a try?

  • more than a marketing medium

Social media platforms are not just about generating profit. They allow companies to explore their target audience, reach new people, monitor competitors, stay visible, and much more.

  • allows you to initiate discussions and engage with brands 

When you run social media profiles as a business, you give your customers the chance to reach and engage with you away from your website. This contributes to building greater brand awareness and customer loyalty.

  • gives access to plenty of data to analyze

There are plenty of analytics and reporting tools out there that will help you measure the effectiveness of your social media campaigns. You may want to track so-called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as likes, impressions, views, link clicks, website visits, shares, and comments. All of these will enable you to carefully evaluate your performance to see if social media is for you.

  • allows you to be more visible online (SEO)

The more content you create, the higher your company will appear in search results. Make sure your content is loaded with the right keywords and essential hashtags. Make it as simple as possible for people to find and reach out to you.

  • contributes to building loyalty and makes referrals easy

When brands are active on social media and publish content regularly, their brand image automatically improves and they are more likely to be found trustworthy by customers. Moreover, when people can reach you in more than one place, referral marketing and building a customer base gets much easier.


  • time-consuming

To create engaging content that will attract potential customers, you need a lot of time. Whether you are trying to build your audience using paid methods or aim at growing your profiles with organic reach, you need time to find the best strategy for your profiles as well as to produce content. Sadly, not every company has the resources for that. 

  • requires commitment and dedication

Just like with time, to make your social media profiles effective you need to really commit to the goal and dedicate yourself. It is all about constantly thinking about how to improve, being creative, and staying focused.  

  • it is a fast moving environment, so trends change quickly

Trends do change very quickly and it’s important for companies to at least try and stay up to date. It is not easy when new features like filters, sounds, hashtags, and other forms of content are popping up out of nowhere all the time, but with the right approach it is doable. 

  • it can not be controlled

People say that once something is uploaded on the Internet, it stays there forever – and that is true. Some companies lack the skills to think before publishing something and then have to deal with a huge wave of hate and often not a small amount of criticism. It is important to think twice before publishing something risky as there is no going back for companies.

  • high engagement does not mean contributions towards ROI

Just because your social media profiles get many likes, shares, and comments, does not mean those people have any intention of becoming your customers. Therefore, all your efforts could be wasted for some meaningless impressions.

  • security and privacy policies may be an issue

Like with everything that is online, social media carries the possibility of data breaches. The more information that is placed on the Internet, the higher the possibility of being the victim of hackers, invasive companies, or malicious interlopers looking to mine your data in ways that break privacy policies.

Let’s take a step back from social media and look at referral marketing for a moment.

What is referral marking?

Referral marketing is all about you and your existing customers. It is a marketing strategy designed to encourage them to become ambassadors of your company and refer it to their networks. Most of the time, there are incentives included in such strategies to drive interest in participation of promotional methods like this.

Referral marketing focuses on word-of-mouth activities and is a way for companies to grow their businesses at very low costs. In case you’re wondering why you should dive into the referral topic, here are some reasons!

Again – good or bad?


  • low cost per lead 

It is up to you what to offer your customers in exchange for them referring you to their friends and family. The good news is that you do not have to pay anything to be referred. You could offer something like free samples or discount codes, which many companies do, but it is not absolutely necessary.

  • high conversion rates

92% of consumers trust referrals more than traditional advertising, so this gives you a great opportunity to attract new customers without the need to spend money on other ineffective marketing methods.

  • more profit

Research shows that referred customers tend to spend 16% more money. Now, surely that’s an interesting thing to know? Because it says that the more referred customers you acquire, the more money your company will make. 

  • keeps your current customers happy 

With product samples and discount codes, your customers will love you for allowing them to get something for (almost) free in exchange for doing as little as spreading the word about your company. This will contribute to building brand loyalty and deepening your relationships with customers.

  • increased marketing reach at a low lost 

By using your clients as advocates for your business, referral marketing helps you increase your reach.  

While there are certain situations when traditional advertising is off-limits, there are virtually no limitations on your customers telling others about your company. Expanding your customer base through referrals is also possible since most people have a diverse circle of friends.

  • automation possibilities 

Once you have set up a good referral marketing program, you are pretty much ready to sit back and enjoy the benefits of it in the form of new customers. Referral marketing does not require constant attention and can pretty much take care of itself.


  • little control over what type of customers you will attract 

Some people will do anything for freebies and discount codes. With referral marketing, you never know who will join your company and how authentic they will be. It may turn out that your “new” customers are actually existing ones using different email addresses and/or fake names. It is, unfortunately, difficult to spot and monitor behaviour like this.

  • not a lot of price flexibility 

When customers recommend your services and/or products, they keep in mind the specific pricing range that you offer and talk about it with new potential customers. For this reason, it may be difficult for your company to increase prices often as your news customers will most likely want to see the same offers as their family and friends did. If you do not keep your prices the same, it could lead to customer dissatisfaction. 

  • high competition

In order to successfully launch a referral marketing platform, you should analyze the market and make sure you know where the demand is. Otherwise, you may end up launching a referral program that will not bring any success. 

  • you are exposed to criticism 

As your referral marketing platform has the potential to reach a large audience, you’ll  need to be able to handle negative opinions. There will always be people who disagree with you and even take their criticism too far on the internet, regardless of your intentions. You’ll need a thick skin in this industry in order to survive.

  • good software is difficult to find 

Finding a referral marketing platform that will meet your demands and needs can be a lot of hard work. You will need to dedicate your time to searching for the best solution out there.

Like two halves of an apple – social media & referrals

Social media marketing and referral marketing are like a match made in heaven. They have much more in common than you might think. Look at the pros of both of them and connect the dots together: 

  1. With the huge audience potential offered by social media, your referral program has a high chance of reaching a lot of people and bringing new customers to your company.
  1. Both social media marketing and referral programs are low cost and highly effective, giving you a competitive advantage thanks to the possibility to save money on advertising and promoting your business.
  1. Both social media and referral programs contribute to increasing your online visibility and make your company grow faster.
  1. Being active on social media increases your credibility and gives potential customers the courage to try your company for the first time and perhaps become loyal clients. 
  1. Because you are active and engage with your customers on social media in fun ways, as well as offer attractive incentives, your customers will be more than happy to stay with you for longer, which means more profit for you. 
  1. Neither social media or referrals require a lot of time or effort once they are up and running as they are marketing strategies that can be automated. This is an important point because it allows you to save a lot of time and focus on other aspects of your business.

Find out yourself

What do you think, then? At EarlyParrot, we believe that social media and referral marketing are best friends and, when used appropriately, can boost a company’s performance significantly.

If you want to dive into the referral marketing topic, check out our blog. You will find many interesting pieces there on how to start out with and fulfill the whole potential of referrals.

#ParrotInspires: 8 things to research before launching your referral program

Launching a new referral program always awakens some emotions, but to increase your chances of success you have to be sure to check every aspect before the big day.

A program that is unfinished or littered with bugs won’t bring you many customers. Instead it will send a clear message – since the program is not of the highest quality, your products probably won’t be either. You can use software to track bugs and prevent such issues from occurring. 

Making double or even multiple checks is not a waste of time, it allows you to save time on starting the program again from scratch and also to save face. Hence it is worth spending a few more minutes to check now and not be embarrassed later.

What should you pay attention to? We will provide you with a checklist that you should go through every time you release a new program. Grab a pen and get ready to make a few notes.

Make sure you review this list again before you begin thinking about your next referral program

4 things to check before you create a program

There are a few aspects to check before you start designing your program. Thanks to this list of them you will be able to adjust your plan from the start and avoid unnecessary mistakes. Before we cover the foundations of every business venture, i.e. research, we want to point you in the right direction. You should think about what you offer, the quality of it, and whether or not the time, money, and effort invested in your program is likely to pay off.

#1 User experience is crucial

You should analyze whether your offer is simply good enough to become a customer referral before you think about developing one. In case you quickly answer “Of course, it is!”, just hold on for a minute. We believe that you do offer the highest quality of products or services, but your business performance should be flawless. The quality of your products is not the only thing you have to consider, but also think about the customer service you provide, your website’s architecture and responsiveness (the same rules apply to mobile apps), plus the overall level of processes like delivery time and available payment methods, etc. All of them influence the customer experience. Moreover, you should find your USP and highlight it in your communication. Your loyal customer should know how to present your brand to their friends and recommend your products.

Keep in mind that almost 45% of users would tell their friends about a bad user experience, and it is not the type of (un)referral that you want. 

#2 Conduct proper research 

It may seem a little tedious, but this is an obligatory and crucial step to make your program successful. You have to know what your competition is up to. Therefore, take a closer look at their programs, how they work, and what they offer, etc. Focus on their customers and whether they are willing to participate actively in their programs or if they are not interested in them at all. 

Analyzing the rules of your competitors’ programs, rewards, and strategies can be a great benchmark for you. You will be able to check which solutions work for your target audience and which you should rather avoid. Copying competitors’ strategies is obviously not advised, but observing their mistakes is. 

#3 Choose your templates

In marketing, communication with your customers is essential. Therefore, choosing the most suitable and clear template should be your priority. It will be necessary to announce the launch of your program and then later communicate with participants through this method.

The template should correlate with your brand’s visual identification – colors, fonts, and logos, etc. The style you write in also should be your focus. It is not so easy to write a good and catchy referral email, but no worries because you can find a few tips here.

Speaking of communication, you should also design the share message, i.e. the text that will appear when a customer shares their referral link via social media. Catchy, polite, and encouraging is the ideal approach. You should tailor the message to the social media platforms that your potential customers use. 

#4 Decide on the software you use

To automate the process, you should choose a piece of referral marketing software. It should be easy to integrate with the apps you use on a daily basis such as your CRM or email provider. Also, the perfect software should allow you to tailor each aspect of your program as you wish. Good news! EarlyParrot ticks all of the boxes.

It cooperates seamlessly with most of the CRMs like WordPress or Joomla, and moreover if you run an eCommerce store then WooCommerce or Shopify are available too. With our tool, you can tailor each step of your program and automate it. EarlyParrot handles communication on your behalf and has your back when it comes to saying “Thank you!” or congratulating recipients of rewards. Furthermore, you can even tailor and brand referral links. All you need to do is design the messages, customize them, and you’re done!

4 things before you launch the program

Let’s suppose you have created your perfect referral program and covered all of the required steps. Before you click launch, you should be 100% sure that your program is without the smallest flaw. Don’t be hot-headed, take a deep breath and examine the issues below.

#1 Check the technical aspects

They are the engine of your program. If there is a bug in the code or a link directs your clients to a 404 page, then there is no way you can be referred. Why would users recommend something that doesn’t work?

Therefore, double-check each step of the referral process. From the very beginning, i.e. invitation, until the very end, which is receiving the rewards. Review whether or not the appropriate emails arrive and referral links work, etc. If you offer a mobile app, you also need to pay attention to referral actions. The goal of mobile apps is to simplify our lives, so be attentive to them in order to fulfill this objective. You can lose many clients if your program doesn’t work on mobile devices. (p.s. if you don’t have an app then you should consider it –  in 2019, more than 60% of US time spent on digital was using smartphone apps).


#2 Plan the promotion

Launching a new referral program without proper promotion will not attract many potential customers. That’s because they won’t even be aware of it. To provide a positive experience and higher conversion rates, you have to make some noise about your referral marketing program. You could use content marketing and write a few blog posts about the program or upload a few social media posts. You may also want to send your entire customer base a newsletter ahead of time and invite them to join later. Maybe a sort of early-bird discount code would work? What should you do to promote your referral program? For example, your marketing strategy should include:

  • content marketing – blog posts, social media, landing pages
  • Google and social media ads
  • affiliate and influencer marketing
  • contests for current customers.

To recap, if you want to provide a successful referral program then you have to promote it well and in advance. People have to hear about it and become curious. Catch the attention of your satisfied customers when they are at their most positive point, i.e., right after purchasing. In a “thank you” message, you should mention that your refer-a-friend program is around the corner in order to increase their interest. You can also reveal one or two types of referral rewards. This way, you will be able to gather new participants at very low customer acquisition costs.

#3 Deliver clear messaging

Promotion is crucial to providing a successful referral program, but you should also explain what it is about. When you encourage users to join the referral program, you should also direct them to a page that outlines the details of it; terms of use, the types of referral rewards you offer, and a step-by-step guide on how to sign up and make a successful referral. You should create such a landing page and link to it whenever you mention your refer-a-friend program. 

Additionally, it is important to highlight this page on your website, as active users of your site might find it interesting too. The average customer shouldn’t have any difficulties finding that subpage and understanding what it indicates. You need to use simple language and be specific. Ideally you should provide some graphic or video material on how to sign up and begin the referral process. Remember that such a page is a part of your content marketing strategy, therefore it should be coherent with the other elements. Both text and graphic content should look like a part of your business model; language, colors, internal linking. You should pay attention to detail, as only this way will content marketing work. 

#4 Set tracking tools

So your happy customers start sharing referral codes, your brand awareness increases, you gain new, loyal customers, and everything is going like clockwork. There is one “but” – you have to track your customers’ activity, who shares the highest number of referral codes, and who is the most efficient referrer, etc. This way, you will be able to recognize whether or not your referral rate is increasing, and you can follow that straight from your referral marketing software. With EarlyParrot you can track program metrics from your dashboard. Furthermore, if you prefer to follow links and program performance from your Google Analytics tool, no problem! Use RocketLink to upgrade your links and keep following them via your Google Analytics account. 

Design it and launch it!

As you can see, launching a referral program should be well-planned and thought out. There is no need to rush. Before you start designing your referral campaign you should pay attention to the issues pointed out in the first part of this article:

  • user experience
  • research
  • communication and message templates
  • software

Also remember to look at the points discussed in the second half of this article after launching your referral program:

  • technical matters
  • promotion
  • instructions
  • tracking tools

Once you cover all of these above issues, your referral program will be ready to conquer the market. Go live and profit from it!

How can a small business manage referral marketing? – our guide to success

Customers bring power to the engine of every company, whatever its size. However, it is small businesses that value every customer the most. Why? Because they do not have many, so each new customer means a lot more.

Such small businesses often seek various online and offline ways to acquire new customers. One of these methods is referral marketing, and in this article we will share with you everything you need to know as a small business to start your adventure with referrals and reward programs. 

One more time – what is referral marketing

Referral marketing is all about the power of…words. It works by rewarding your existing audience with various incentives in exchange for referrals. For it to be a success, referrers have to first share their unique links on channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Twitter. They are then rewarded for spreading the word and acquiring you new clients and subscribers. It is a highly profitable form of marketing with many benefits for businesses, especially those small ones.

What is interesting is that people trust referrals from friends 7 times more than any other advertising method due to the perceived authenticity of a referral. Moreover, 92% of customers trust referrals more than advertising, and referred customers usually spend 16% more than other customers. Interesting, right? 

Let’s discover some of the greatest advantages of a referral program that small businesses can expect to benefit from.

How small businesses can benefit from referrals 

  • referrals = new customers 

When your existing audience recommends your company to other people, often across various channels, you will increase your brand recognition, brand awareness, and customer acquisition rate. 

The more people who recommend your brand, the more customers you will get and, as a result, the more income you can earn. All of this contributes to the growth of your small business, both in terms of profit and experience. 

  • growing an online presence 

The more people who talk about your brand, the bigger your online presence becomes. Hashtags, mentions, screenshots of your profile or website, or even something as simple as plain text with the name of your business on it can contribute massively to building a strong online position. When customers recommend your company, they become your company’s advocates and help you to increase your outreach in digital media by talking about the benefits of your products and/or services on your behalf. 

  • enhanced brand reputation

When people recommend your brand, it means they trust you. No one will recommend a brand to their family or friends if they do not like it. As more people start talking about your brand and inviting others to try your services, your brand reputation increases and this will contribute to creating a positive brand image.  

  • happy customers

Incentives are usually what encourages customers to participate in a referral program in the first place. Rewarding your customers for their help is a great way to thank them for their time, as well as to make them satisfied with your services. 

Happy customers are more likely to return to your company in the future, especially when it comes to first-time buyers. Starting your relationship off with a nice surprise will be beneficial to your business in the long run, trust us!

  • improved sales revenue and higher conversion rate  

Whilst it is true that incentives and free gifts do cost your company money, a referral marketing program allows you to generate more profits, attract more customers, and vastly increase your ROI. Moreover, traditional customer acquisition is quite expensive, so a program like this will allow you to generate more income at a lower cost. 

Top 10 referral practices that every small business should know

#1 think of a valuable incentive

Customers love incentives, there is no doubt about that. Research shows that 75% of consumers, i.e. 3 in 4 of your customers, favor companies that offer rewards. Moreover, around 70% of consumers are likely to recommend a brand provided they offer good loyalty programs. 

So, what can you do with these pieces of information? You want your customers to like your brand and keep coming back, right? The best thing you can do is offer them nice incentives for their loyalty. Think of valuable rewards that you could offer to your customers for simply referring your brand to their family and friends. Your customers will value your company for its personalized and friendly approach towards them. 

#2 be creative 

When thinking about what incentives would work best for your customers, do not be afraid to get creative! Think about the type of business you run, as well as what sort of products and/or services you offer. Original and unique incentives will drive customer loyalty and enhance brand recall. It is a great way to build up a special place for your business in the minds of your customers. 

What are your options, then? You can choose from gift cards,  discount codes (on next purchases or those over a certain amount of money), free products, additional samples, extra reward points, free company merchandise, complimentary bonuses (e.g. free plan upgrades), and more.

#3 know what your customers like

There are plenty of gifts and bonuses to choose from, but keep in mind that not everything will work. This is why you should pay extra attention to your average customer’s profile and make sure you know what they would be happy to receive.  A feature-rich CRM like Copper sales management tool can help you understand your customers and create a more targeted referral program.

For example, if you run a business that offers relatively expensive and luxury products, you could offer a discount code for the next purchase a customer makes. If you run a company that sells beauty products, like make-up and hair care, chances are that your customers would love to receive free samples or gifted products from your offer. In a similar fashion, if you run a Saas (Software-As-A-Service) company, a great way to encourage referrals is by offering a free subscription upgrade for a certain amount of time. Use right software to manage your subscription billing service effectively. Pick whatever suits your business model best!

#4 be grateful 

Your referral program should not finish with simply asking your customers to refer you to their friends and family. In fact, this is only the beginning of your work and there is much more to come after that! 

First things first, start by thanking your customers for their time and dedication spent recommending you, as well as showing appreciation for the trust of those accepting invites. A simple ‘Thank You’ can change whole relationships with your current and potential customers. It is also a sign of respect and lets your customers know that you care about them.

#5 think of the right promotional channels and utilize them proactively 

No matter how great your incentives are and how happy your customers will be to receive them, if you do not promote your referral program properly you will not be successful. You need to raise awareness about it and, therefore, your choice of promotion channels should be well thought-out and planned. Focus on those channels that bring you the most profit, as well as those where your audience is wide. Don’t wait for referral links to appear out of nowhere, but instead create conditions for that to happen!

You may want to think about proactively promoting your referral program on: 

  • Facebook

with over 2.7 billion active users, Facebook would be a great way to spread the word about your program. What is more, the average Facebook user has 338 friends on this platform, and so that is how many people you could potentially reach if just one person shares your referral program and invites their friends to try your company. 

As email marketing is still one of the most profitable marketing channels, with the possibility to boast your ROI by 4,200%, you may want to consider promoting your program this way.

  • direct mail 

Another great way to encourage referrals is by sending your customers short notes after they order from you. Consider it as a “thank you” with an invitation to join your referral program. Your customers will appreciate this kindness, and chances are that they will recommend your brand to other people as aresult.

#6 don’t forget to follow up

Follow-ups are extremely important in all circumstances. You should always pay attention to your communication with anyone and make sure your messages reach the intended recipients. In a world where everything is moving fast and people often have a lot going on in their lives, gently reminding your customers about your offer is a great way to reach out to them.

This applies to when you first send out an invitation to your customers to encourage them to refer your company to other people, as well as after someone successfully refers you and receives an incentive for doing so. The latter is particularly important when the incentive is a discount code, for example, as a customer using it means a new sale for you. So you do want them to use it, right?

#7 make interactions fun and engaging 

This tip depends on the type of business you run, but try to think of ways to make communication with your customers fun and engaging. You could use funny graphics and text, as well as add elements of personalization. 

Make your messages memorable and easy to remember. What you should be trying to achieve is staying in your customers’ minds for as long as possible. When this happens, they are far more likely to join your referral program and interact with your brand more often.

#8 make the process easy 

Great incentives, distribution channels, or even catchy images and text are all great ideas, but they are not enough. Your referral program should be easy for people to participate in. Try establishing some simple ground rules and make the process itself easy to follow. 

You surely do not want to receive emails on a daily basis from hundreds of consumers asking how to correctly refer your brand to their friends. What would be even worse is a customer thinking they correctly invited their friend, but in fact they did not do so successfully and you are unaware of this. That is why you should pay attention to the user-friendliness of your program.

#9 check out your competitors

Competition plays an important role in the performance and success of your business. For this reason, you should pay attention to what your key competitors are doing, including in terms of loyalty schemes and referral programs. 

It is even better if you compare yourself to the top-performing companies in the industry rather than to those with worse performance than yours, as usually the former will have more customers and therefore make greater profits.

To check out their approach to customers, we have a little sneaky tip for you! Go incognito and place orders at your competitors’ stores. Find out how their average customer is treated, what sort of emails are sent to you, how quickly orders are processed, what their communication skills are like, and more. Pay attention to their online reviews too!

Knowing all of this will allow you to spot areas for improvements within your organisation, as well as features that deserve some appreciation and celebration. Do not waste time. Go and check out your competitors now – you can really learn a lot

#10 pick the best customer referral software

Last but not least: the mastermind, the omega to your alpha, and your number one companion in terms of referral marketing – an efficient and powerful piece of referral program software. Without one, the chances of growing your small business with referrals are significantly decreased. 

What you need is a brandable, easy to integrate referral marketing solution that will make your experience with referral marketing pleasant and enjoyable. With tools like Early Parrot, a popular and highly regarded piece of referral marketing software, you can take your small business to the next level by:

  • lowering your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Accelerating the growth of your business 
  • encouraging customers to spread the word about your great services 
  • getting more repeated sales and satisfied customers

The good news is that you can now test out Early Parrot for free with no time limit! Give it a try and experience for yourself how great referral marketing can be. 

A successful referral program strategy is closer than you think

Now you should know what referral marketing is, as well as its key benefits and some best practices for running a successful referral program as a small business. 

With referral marketing you will:

  • gain new customers quicker 
  • grow your online presence and increase brand awareness 
  • generate more income at a lower cost
  • keep your customers happy and eager to come back 

Follow our guide to ensure that you will run a truly effective referral marketing program. Small businesses can succeed quickly too, and this article shows you how! All you need is time and dedication for success to come. Trust the process and enjoy growing your business in a fun and active way! 

If you are interested in learning more about referral marketing and its perks then do not hesitate to check out our blog where we share our knowledge with people who need it. We hope this article helped you!

ParrotInsider #7: How to write a referral email with EarlyParrot

A crucial component of digital marketing is list building. You must use emails to reach a large audience and communicate with them regularly. More than 60% of consumers prefer this method of communication.  

Email marketing is a complex issue because it encompasses a variety of forms: cold emails, newsletters, and thank you messages, just to name a few. Ideally, they should be written in a way that makes the recipient feel appreciated. In order for the email to succeed, you have to think of a catchy subject, interesting content, and an encouraging CTA

The following tips provide a few guidelines on how to write a referral email.

It is highly likely that you think about job seeking or employer recommendations when you hear “referral email.”. Although these would be valid associations, we will discuss messages related to your referral program in this article. There are no hiring process tips here, only advice for writing successful referral messages. How about we get started?

What is a referral email?

Referral emails are sent to your customer base to keep them informed about your referral program. Your customers should receive messages that are tailored and personal to them. By doing so, you can strengthen your relationships with your clients and streamline the referral process. By using a referral email campaign, you can keep in touch with all your recipients and inform them of upcoming programs and changes. In addition, asking customers for their opinions or allowing them to choose is a great way to appreciate their commitment and engage them in the creation process.

Referral email templates are the best way to promote your program and tick all of the above boxes. How should it be done? With the right tool, of course!

How to write a successful referral email with EarlyParrot?

You can use our software to set up a referral program as well as design it. When creating the perfect referral letter, you need to consider factors such as:

  • basic information about the campaign,]
  • goals
  • type of program
  • reward information such as system, name, target, and referral link, etc.
  • social media invitations

For now, let’s take a look at the last point – you can create invitations that appear on social media when the referrer shares a link. It is possible to create a social media message for any platform that you choose. There are a large number of popular social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter at your disposal. There are also messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to choose from. Make your message as clear as possible to encourage participation.

Let’s get back to emails now – we will guide you through the process of creating them with EarlyParrot. 

step one: fill in the “from” field

A clear sender ID is essential for the recipient to see the sender’s name and the source, i.e. their email address. When it comes to opening or rejecting a message, its source is often a deciding factor. Therefore, make sure the address looks legitimate and professional.

step two: select a referral template

EarlyParrot offers two templates: list building and online summit. The trigger can also be set so that it occurs when you receive “X” referrals or each new one. Now it’s time to get creative.

step three: craft the message

By default, the system sends three types of emails, but you can add your own if you wish. There is a separate email editor that you can access after clicking the edit email button. There is a lot of flexibility here, such as adding images (you can use background remover tools to upgrade their quality), buttons, and dividing your text into columns. Your email is ready once you submit the changes.

step four: all done, send it

Make sure all copy, images, and links are correct. Then it’s time to send your online referral letter to your satisfied customer. Complete your program, integrate with your provider’s app, and begin sending your messages automatically.

Now that you know how to design a referral message, it is time to learn a few hacks that will increase the success of your campaign.

Referral emails: best practices

While sending emails is part of the battle, getting leads from them is the true prize. How can you help ensure that happens? Our list below contains some ideas that you may find useful.

#1 Step into your client’s shoes

In other words, if you want to create an effective copy, you should understand your customers’ motivations for joining your program and purchasing your products. To have an impact on your communication, you need to observe what is important from their perspective. 

In order to understand your customers fully, you can simply ask them some questions and obtain their feedback. Consider using social media or sending a survey to accomplish this goal. By doing so, you will be able to learn about your customers’ behavioral patterns, motivation, and communicate with them more effectively, not only in terms of referral emails. 

#2 Keep it simple

You should avoid overloading your messages with information. Use short, simple sentences that are straight to the point. Unlike a business letter, a referral email does not require formal language and so you can use casual communication methods. Don’t forget to include all the essential information and additional details that may motivate your customers to join, such as a 5% extra discount for the first 50 participants. You should create a separate page dedicated to your program and link to it so that all the information a potential participant could need will be available right at their fingertips.

#3 Highlight two-sided benefits

It is important to emphasize that your referral program will benefit both potential clients and the referral sources. In this relationship, both sides must have a motivation for joining. A referral involves two parties – the referrer shares the link and encourages use, and the referee clicks and completes the desired action, like making a purchase, so both parties need to see the value. Make sure you deliver it.

#4 Focus on the subject

It should be engaging, but too much so-called click bait is annoying. In order to increase conversions, it is essential that the recipients open your messages (a higher open rate allows you to do that), but if they do not find what the title implies then they may be less likely to open future emails from you because they feel cheated. The title should be a gateway to a bigger promise. Make sure it is simple and that it conveys the right message. For a referral program this shouldn’t be too much hassle, since the incentive will be enough motivation to open the email and make a promise that can be kept.

#5 Make it personal 

Personalization is something we are all familiar with. As a result, personalized emails have higher open rates of up to 26%, but in today’s world adding a recipient’s name is not enough. It is also important to personalize the copy. 

A good reminder to be more active might look something like this:

Thank you for your recent successful referrals. We hope Josh and Anne enjoy being part of our community. 

Motivate them to continue taking action.

In addition, the signature needs to be personalized. You want the recipient to sense that the email came from an individual and not from a company.

Sign as follows:

Thank you for being with us!

Natalie from [the company’s name]

Rather than:

Thanks for your support!

[The company’s name]

There’s an air of informality and of face-to-face contact in the first example text. The smallest changes make the biggest impact.

#6 Call them to action loudly and clearly

The first step is to design the CTA. Ideally, the message should be inspiring and motivating; however, there is always a limit. You need to balance this aspect as you do not want to make the message sound like a command. Furthermore, if you place your CTA on on a button, the text shouldn’t be too long. A clear message must be communicated, and recipients must be aware of what to do. 

The next step is to place your message in a visible location. When using buttons, select the right colours (those that correspond to your brand) and position them appropriately. Make sure you link the CTA, otherwise it won’t work. 

#7 No hidden information or small print

Referrals must meet certain additional requirements in order to be successful. In your email, you should mention, for example, if the referred friend must spend $100 on a purchase to qualify for a discount. Both parties will lose trust if they are not aware of the terms and the promised discount turns out to be invalid.

The email should highlight any program limitations. Although there is an attached URL, most recipients will not necessarily click it if they are unaware of the conditions. 

#8 Play with content

How many times have you heard that content is king? Probably quite a few. This statement has been repeated for years for a simple reason: it is true. The more  interesting and high-quality the content, the higher the chances of conversion

Your email may still fail to convert even if it reaches your audience, but your content can turn that situation around 180 degrees if you handle it properly. Emails give you a lot of options to include images, videos, and gifts. One major rule is that your content should be high quality – pay attention to picture resolution, for example. Alternatively, you could design a classic invitation and send it as an attachment. Imagine how appreciated this gift would be by the recipients and how special they would feel. 

Be creative and try out different formats. You are only limited by your imagination!

To sum up 

An email campaign for referrals plays an important role in promoting your program. In addition, it keeps you on good terms with your recipients and avoids leaving them in the dark. Ideally, your referrers should be treated as your partners. Keep them updated and ask about their opinions. Your top performers should be recognized and rewarded accordingly. 

In all of these cases, email is necessary. With these tips, you will master this aspect and make emails a very effective channel, which is exactly what you want, right?